Thursday, April 28, 2011


An brief interview with Claros Morean, one of the members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. and his explanation on what  is expected of Mrs. Black & Gold.


             Jerimiah Douglas, Brittany Lockhart, and Solomon Young Writers

What surprises does this beauty have in-store for us? What is her talent? How majestic will her entrance be? Will she win by a landslide or just by a few points? Who will be crowned and what accomplishments and valued traits does she have to display?
These are all questions that were answered at the 2011 Miss Alpha Phi Alpha pageant.
The new Miss Alpha Phi Alpha, Miss Delta Alpha, Miss Congeniality, Miss Photogenic and Miss Black & Gold, graciously, accepted there crowns with a certain regality. The Delta Alpha Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha holds their events at a mark which they hold higher and higher each time that they are presented with a new task.
At this year’s pageant, it proved to be no exception.
The first category the contestants had to compete in was the swimsuit competition. This portion of the pageant was to showcase the girl’s confidence. Each contestant walked to the same song and displayed how strong and gorgeous they were. After each lady had their time to shine they had a final walk all together to try and earn more points from the judges. The swimsuit competition had the audience out of their seats and had them anticipated about the next category.
Through out the time the contestants were getting dress the pageant had entertainment segments to keep the guest entertain while waiting. The first entertainment was provided by one of the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Matthew Moore and Mr. Da’shaun Carrol. They performed a duet with their saxophones. Each audience member was very engaged in the duet, and softly song the word to the instrumental by the gentlemen.
Next was the performing talent competition. The performing talent is for the contestants to showcase whatever they might be gifted in. Contestant 1 showcased her talent through a praise dance, contestant 2 performed a song while playing guitar, contestant 3 sang a song accompanied by piano, contestant 4 delivered spoken word entitled “I want to be black, and last contestant 5 performed a monologue entitled “My ABC’s”. During the performing talent section each girl shocked the audience with their wonderful performances.
Meanwhile, after the talent from the ladies was showcased it was time for another entertainment spotlight for the quest who was mostly friends and family to the contestants. Colin Nelson also a member of Alpha Phi Alpha fraternity read a poem that he wrote called “Chilling”. Mr. Nelson deliver was powerful and he made a strong connection with the student body that was in the audience.
Last but not least, the ladies were ready for the evening gown competition. This portion of the competition was to show for the last time how much “Confidence” they really had to be the next Miss Black and Gold. They also had to make sure that they wore the dress and not let the dress wear them. The evening gown section was the last run-way competition and it carried into the Intellectual Expression.
The Intellectual expression is where each of the girls is asked a question and must answer it the best way they know how. Each contestant was asked the same question, “In this age of internet what effect does social networks, such as Face-Book, My-Space, twitter have at the dinner table”. Some contestants answered the question better than others but all had the same meaning just worded their answers differently.
To help the judges have a moment to tally up the votes it was time for Ms. Kristen Bell to have her final walk of being Miss Black and Gold 2010-2011. During her final walk she thanked everyone for their support with helping her win last year. She also thanked the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha for allowing her to participate in their pageant.
 Even though there was six beautiful contestants competing for the crown Miss Black and Gold 2011-2012 only one contestant could win. Therefore that lucky young lady had to master each category such as swimsuit competition, performing talent competition, evening gown competition, and intellectual expression. However that beautiful young lady is our very own Mass Communication colleague Miss Bria Spivey but is better known as Miss Black and Gold 2011-2012. Even though Bria is Miss Black and Gold she does not stand alone because she has a royal court which consists of first runner up Miss Delta Alpha Keicko Cooley, Miss Congeniality Jessica Dorsey, and Miss Photogenic Amakia Gibson. Each contestant gave it their all for the crown so we should applaud each and every one of them for their hard work and dedication. As stated before only one lucky young lady could take home the crown and that lucky young lady is Miss Bria Spivey so hats off to her and to the rest of the contestants remember that you are all queens.   

Bria Sprivey : Pictures from the 2011-2012 Miss Black & Gold Pageant

                                     Contestants dancing the opening scene of the Pageant

                                                Miss Black & Gold 2010- 2011 Ms. Kristen Bell
                                                Miss Black & Gold 2011-2012 Bria Sprivey
                                                      Contestant number 5 Bria Sprivey performing her monologue during the talent competition
                        Contestant number 4 performing Spoken Word during the talent competition

Devon Butler : Video from the Miss Black & Gold Pageant

Asia Leathers: Pictures from the Miss Black & Gold Pageant

                                Entertainment provided by Da'Shaun Carrol and Matthew Moore

The contestants in their evening wear accepting awards
Miss Black & Gold 2011-2012 Bria Spivey

                                         Contestant 1 from the Miss & Black and Gold Pageant
                                      Contestant Number 4 from the Miss Black & Gold Pageant
                                         Contestant Number 3 from the Miss & Gold Pageant

Miss Black & Gold 2011-2012 Bria Spivey :My Personal Experience

Miss Black and Gold Experience
 Before Christmas Break, my mentor Kristen Bell asked me was I interested in being a participant in the Miss Black and Gold pageant. I said yes, and nonchalantly attended the interest meeting the next day. During the meeting the Alpha men spoke about how their pageant differed from all others on campus because it is seen as ‘the’ top pageant and is the longest awaited all year. They also stressed the seriousness of their pageant because a lot of money and time is invested into its planning. Now, I must admit I was very impressed with their description of the pageant though, I wasn’t sure I could make the time commitment. Over the Christmas Break I mentioned the pageant to my mother and I didn’t think about it afterwards. After Christmas break, the Alpha’s rounded up all the girls who signed up for the pageant for one last meeting beforehand and said that those who showed up would be the contestants in the pageant. We began with a little over twelve girls and overtime ended with a final number of five. The night of the pageant was by far one of the most exciting evenings of my freshman year.  To the audience the stage seemed quiet and unshaken; unbeknownst to them the backstage was completely hectic.  There were half-dressed girls running around backstage and outfits pertaining to different pageant segments laid over multiple classroom desks. 7:06pm finally came and it was time for the fabulous five contestants to begin with the opening number.  I remember all of us locking hands just before the curtain opened to say a prayer that we all performed to our best abilities. At the end of the night, when the names of the contestants who received awards were being called, I remember feeling happy just to have participated in the event. I was proud of myself for never giving up, even when the practices got longer and the demands became more trying. I proved to myself that I can do whatever I set my mind to even, when it’s something that I haven’t done before.  By the end of the night not only had I won the award for best performance but, I was also crowned Miss Black & Gold. It felt great to achieve so much as a result of commitment and hard work.

Jontee Lindsey: Interviewer with Brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc.

 Andrew Suggs (spring 2011)- Andrew thought the show was good with a large turnout from the student body. He felt that the pageant showcased the contestants and their hard work and practicing for weeks really SID off."they showed up and showed out," were his words and he thought that Bre's monologue was his favorite talent.

> Efe Odigwe(spring 2011)- Efe thought the pageant was good and it was a good turnout. His favorite talent was the ABCs of Love,and while he wished he could have known the previous Miss Black and Gold,Kristen Bell, he knows she will be missed and the new Miss Black and Gold will be much appreciated.

Shamela Parker: Interview with Briana Johnson-Springs Contestant #2

Q and A with Contestant Briana Johnson-Springs "Ms. Black and Gold Pageant at Claflin uni.

Q. How did you balance your work schedule with time for the pageant?
A. At first it was hard but being in college you have to learn how to seperate work and play.

Q. did you enjoy your experience being in the pageant?
A.  i did enjoy the experince. It was something new because i had never been in a pageant before.

Q.did you become closer with the girls you were competing with?
A. i did become closer with them, we became ps' (pageant sisters)

Q.Where did P.S. come from? how did that become about?
A. it was like a joke. it was like we were on line, pledging but inseated of saying "line sisters" we said "pageant sisters"

Shamela Parker

Jasmine C. Gilyard's Interview with Jessica Dorsey Contestant #4

  1. How does it feel being a contestant in the Ms. Black & Gold Pageant?
  • I made some new friends. I enjoyed the fun i shared with the brothers of Alpha Phi Alpha and the other contestants in the pageant. It was a great experience. 
  1. Are you excited or nervous about the pageant?
  • Both, right now I’m nervous, but I feel like when the night comes I will be excited.
  1. Has it been a fun experience so far?
  • yes.
4) What is your most memorable moment?
  • When they tried to teach us the “T” stance
5) What made you want to become a part of this pageant?
  • The experience of meeting new people.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mrs. Black & Gold Pageant...Through the Lenses

 The Contestants During the Opening Number

 The Contestants of the Pageant, with the Members of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc.
The Winner, with Past Queens